Thermal Conciousness

“We liTerAllY FougHT For THe life of eAcH person, buT THe infecTion sHowed iTs cunning,” THe YAmAl governor, DmiTrY KobYlkin, Told THe RussiA-bAsed InTerfAx news AgencY. “IT reTurned AfTer 75 YeArs And Took THe life of A cHild.”

▫️In THe vAsT glAciers of neTworks▫️

▫️In THe vAsT illusions of IndusTriAl LigHT▫️

◻️CulTurAl spAce in THe Cloud ◻️

◻️seeks A AnAlogous spAce◻️

◻️in A CYber nATure◻️




SOON:...AN ArcTic CompilATion

unshackel the boundries of nature

The format of this realease is patch + USB stick